About Matthew Friedman

Matthew Friedman is the owner of SMB Logic. He is a father, nerd, and foodie who likes finding levity in situations... even when it happens to be at himself.

Social Media Marketing 101

First, it was "You gotta have a website!" Now it's "You gotta be on social media!"... but why? So many business owners don't understand the purpose of social media in business, and so they try to post their company's product, or salesy promotions on Facebook or Instagram for a little while, don't see any traction [...]

By |2020-04-23T19:40:00+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Social Media|Comments Off on Social Media Marketing 101

Work From Home Smarter And Better

Covid19 has drastically changed the professional landscape for us all. The vast majority of us lucky enough to keep our jobs through this turbulence are now working from the confines of home, and relying on our personal internet service connections to stay productive and plugged in with our remote team members. Working professionals and parents [...]

By |2020-05-21T05:05:53+00:00April 11th, 2020|Hardware, Internet|Comments Off on Work From Home Smarter And Better

Improving Your SEO With SSL Encryption

SSL and how it affects your business Everybody has likely noticed that little green padlock in the URL bar of websites we visit, or maybe more accurately you've noticed the slightly more obtrusive "Not Secure" text when it is missing. That padlock comes from an SSL certificate, and it is not just there as eye [...]

By |2020-04-03T21:27:46+00:00July 2nd, 2019|Security, SEO|Comments Off on Improving Your SEO With SSL Encryption

What Is Net Neutrality and Why Is It Important

My name is Matt Friedman, and I own SMB Logic. I am also a loud and prolific advocate for Net Neutrality, and there is an excellent reason for this. So many people don't really understand what net neutrality is about and confuse net neutrality with broadband access speed trends. I wanted to take a moment [...]

By |2020-04-03T21:57:17+00:00June 29th, 2019|Internet|Comments Off on What Is Net Neutrality and Why Is It Important


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