Businesses can live or die by the success (or lack thereof) of their marketing. Those who handle a business’s marketing must pay attention to trends and analyze the effectiveness of different strategies. There’s a certain element of thinking outside of the box that is sometimes necessary too. For example, advertising on TV or the radio is still going strong, but is mostly effective for certain demographics. Want something more broad? You need to focus on mobile devices.

Make Sure Web Pages Are Mobile Optimized

To start with, over half of web traffic generated was done by smartphones. The trends suggest that that number is only likely to continue growing. Because of this, it is increasingly important to make sure that your web pages are optimized for mobile use. Formatting for mobile can be a huge pain point for site visitors. If they have too much trouble with your site because it’s only formatted for viewing on a computer, consumers aren’t going to stick around. What does that have to do with marketing? Well, your website is a powerful marketing tool. You can’t take advantage of that if people aren’t sticking around because it doesn’t work with their phones.

Send Text Messages

There are many ways you can use text messages in your business. Have you ever considered texting your customers? While at one point that might have seemed a little intrusive, these days it’s actually becoming increasingly popular. You might be surprised by how many people feel positively towards being marketed to via texting. Consider that unless you pulled people’s phone numbers off of a phone list you purchased, they already gave you their number themselves. That’s a pretty good indicator that they would like to hear from you in some capacity.

Use QR Codes

Mobile marketing goes beyond just texting your customers about your latest sale or promotion. QR codes have become increasingly mainstream lately, and they offer you a great way to market to your customers using their phones. A QR code is capable of storing and transmitting a large amount of data very quickly, which can make it especially helpful when it comes to making your website more accessible for smartphone users. Generating your own QR code can be a pretty simple, quick process, so you might as well get started with it.

Relying on the same strategies year after year tends to stop working as well after a while. If your business hasn’t been taking advantage of the opportunity to utilize mobile devices in your marketing strategies, you really need to change that. Remember, marketing is most effective when you go to where your customers are. Since most of them already carry their phones with them everywhere, making use of them is definitely worth doing.

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